If Random Questions Reveal Personality, What Did We Learn?

Brielle Nesto (grade 12)

  • What kind of food would you be? A watermelon
  • Who would play you in a movie? Blake Lively
  • What exotic pet would you want to own? Giraffe
  • If you could breed any two animals together what would it be, and what would the name of it be? Koala Bear + Dog = Doala Bear
  • If you could be any teacher in the school, who would you be? Bresnan

 Nick Depaul (grade 12)

  • What kind of food would you be? London Broil Steak
  • What exotic pet would you want to own? Tiger
  • What’s your favorite word? Irrational
  • If you could breed any two animals together what would it be, and what would the name of it be?  Peacock + Chicken = Peacon
  • If you could be any teacher in the school, who would you be? Smith

Julianne Sullivan (grade 12)

  • What kind of food would you be? Chicken wing
  • Who would play you in a movie? Leighton Meester (Blair Waldorf)
  • If you could breed any two animals together what would it be, and what would the name of it be? Dog + Chipmunk = Dunk
  • What exotic pet would you want to own? A little baby deer
  • If you could be any teacher in the school, who would you be? Mac