
Today’s to-do list: wake up, put on some Old Spice, go to football practice, hit the weight room, get a pedicure, get my eyebrows done, shave (face and legs), and finally relax.

“Manscaping” is the term that has evolved to describe actions, many of them associated with the feminine gender, that men undergo in order to help shape up their personal appearances. Today, it is not uncommon for men to manscape every now and then, in an attempt to look more appealing to the females.

In the past, manscaping strictly consisted of the old-fashioned “clean cut” look. Men would keep their head hair at a reasonable length, and their facial hair at almost a minimum. But today, man-scaping has reached new levels. Shaving legs and armpits, getting your hair styled at the salon, and waxing your eyebrows are all part of this generation’s manscaping dailies.

But at what point do guys take manscaping a little too far? Is it the shaving of the armpits? Though of course many will say that is strictly for “athletic purposes?” Is it the trimming of the eyebrows?  Which of course they claim the barber did without asking.

Where should the line be drawn?

“When guys start shaving the way girls do, they’ve gone too far. It’s good to stay clean cut, but having a hairless body isn’t attractive,” explains senior Madison Misuro. She agrees the guys in this generation have brought manscaping to new levels. Misuro went on to say that manscaping should be monitored, or else it can get out of hand.

Junior Danny Taliaferro has similar thoughts. “I think it’s good to take care of your body like that,” he says. “It’s not a bad thing to want to look appealing, but some guys take it too far.”

“Man-pretty” is another term that goes hand-in-hand with the idea of manscaping. Man-pretty is the ultimate goal for some manscapers who want the Ashton Kutcher, Justin Bieber look that so many people are going for these days.

Senior Nick Cariani expressed his thoughts. “It’s fine if you gel your hair, keep your face trimmed, and dress nice. But I remember some of the guys who were seniors four years ago, who shaved their legs and armpits. .. that’s when manscaping gets taken too far.”