Students React to Recent Construction

Routines are an enormous part of a person’s day. In Verona, however, routines have become disrupted and halted.

All throughout town, there has been periodic construction on countless roads;  from repaving small parts of the street, to tearing the street apart and then rebuilding it, many streets have been affected as a result.  Recently, VHS students have been expressing discontent with all of the construction that has been taking place in Verona.  Personette Avenue is a couple streets over from the high school and it typically acts a street for cutting through for some students to get to the bottom of the one way street to get to the school.

“It will be nice to live on a road that is finally paved, but for the time being it is a huge pain for me and a lot of other people,” says senior Austin Masters.  For being such a small town, it has been very difficult to travel around.

Seniors Sarah Yauch and Emily Petermann both say that “it’s taken us ten to fifteen minutes to drive to school because of construction by my house,” two friends that occasionally carpool because of the issue.  Not only has construction affected the lives of drivers, all VHS students are dealing with the inconvenience of a new addition to the school.

   Although it is great to have an addition to the high school for the first time in a while, many students are furious with what has gone on with the old entrance to the school.  It used to be an easy drop off for students and simpler to enter the school for teachers and students who park in the student parking lot.  Now, with mountains of dirt and bulldozers blocking off an entire section of the school that made entering the school easy, it has become a chore to get into the school.  

“I’ve been late and been punished because I need to walk around the construction,” says Jake Farrell.  After being asked if he believes this is a positive or negative effect on students in the long run, Farrell responded “the long run for me is the school year, and I have heard rumors that this will continue until the end of the year. Why did they not do this during the summer?” Similarly, senior Carter Kenny has concerns for the weather. Kenny states “it’s getting cold, and it is only getting colder. Once it starts snowing, this will be an even bigger issue.”  

Internal improvements in Verona will no doubt show a long-term positive effect. But for now, students and residents are forced to deal with the inconvenience of getting to school.