Amusing YouTube Channels to Help You Pass the Time

So, you’re sitting at home, feeling sorry for yourself. Cheer up! The quarantine won’t last forever. In the meantime, I find that sometimes you need to watch some comedy just to cheer yourself up. So, here are a few YouTube channels to make you cry laughing, to make the time go a little faster.

Channel: Saturday Night Live

Description: If you haven’t watched SNL in a while, now is the time to get back into the groove. The most famous comedy show in American history, you should definitely go to their website to see some of their older skits as well; but there’s some great modern ones as well.

Video Recommendation: The Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started A Conversation With At A Party

Channel: Studio C

Description: The great thing about Studio C is that all its skits are PG, meaning it is something you can watch with your entire family. I recommend starting with the earlier seasons of the show. 

Video Recommendation: Scott Sterling

Channel: Team Coco

Description: Personally, I think Conan O’Brien is the funniest late night host. The funniest part of this channel is not his interviews with celebrities, mind you, but the videos he makes with his staff, where Conan just goes out and does improvisational comedy. 

Video Recommendation: Conan Hunts Down Assistant’s Mug

Channel: Key and Peele

Description: Two hysterical comedians who crafted a brilliant show. While these two are now becoming famous for other things, it is good to never forget where they both came from. 

Video Recommendation: Substitute Teacher

Channel: Honest Trailers

Description: Do you like movies? Do you like movie trailers? Now, imagine if the trailers you saw for movies were completely honest, and told you everything about the film, good and bad. That’s basically this channel.

Video Recommendation: Honest Trailers- Frozen

Channel: Ryan Reynolds

Description: Ryan Reynolds is probably the funniest, non-comedian actor out there. He occasionally posts videos on his personal YouTube channel, for no reason at all. Ads for his gin company? Promoting his upcoming movies? No matter what they are, they are always hysterical. 

Video Recommendation: Becoming Pikachu

Channel: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Description: If you don’t feel like getting depressed watching John Oliver rant about some extremely depressing issue plaguing the world, then just watch some of his Web Exclusives, short little videos that are usually just comedy. 

Video Recommendation: Labor Day

Channel: How It Should Have Ended

Description: You ever watch a movie, and then when it ends, find yourself suggesting a much more realistic way the movie would have played out? “Why didn’t they just do this? Why did he do that? Why wouldn’t they have just done that?” Well, this channel basically animates what SHOULD happen at the end of movies. 

Video Recommendation: How Captain America Should Have Returned the Stones