The Nightmare of a Bad Haircut

There is no question that getting a bad haircut can be a disappointing moment.  The issue is how you deal with it.

For teenage girls, a bad haircut could be compared to the world ending. Going into the salon with a set importation picture in mind for their new “do” and leaving holding back tears is an experience many high school teenage girls have in common. 

Senior Ashlee Vargas, claims she has had her fair share of disappointing haircuts. Vargas has gone through a few different hair colors and cuts but has worked her way through some of her “tough hair moments”.

“I get it, I cry, and then I debate what’s the best way to cover it” says Vargas recalling her reactions to some of her hair experiences. 

It is an adjustment period where convincing yourself that your hair does not define your worth but as a teenage girl this can be extremely difficult. 

Hundreds of articles have been written about dealing with a bad haircut and coping mechanisms which displays the severity of this situation for young girls.

Tips and words of affirmation are readily available for young girls to look up when coping with a bad haircut.

Luckily, videos of bad haircuts and memes have been made as a way to joke about one’s circumstances even though they are unhappy about the outcome. 

Searches such as “how do I feel pretty after a bad haircut” will return many results. Many more suggested searches relate to the mental issues after getting a bad haircut and how to maneuver around what people call “post haircut depression”.

This expression is referred to as the time period where one “mourns” how they used to look and experience feelings of low self esteem. 

Although it has been proven that this type of “depression” is not real, it may not feel that way in that moment. 

Julia, looking back at old photos of some of her unsatisfactory haircuts, said of one of them “it made me not feel like myself. After I got it, I had an identity crisis.”

Hair can be associated with a young girl’s identity resulting in them struggling with themselves mentally. It can cause issues with self-love and the way they view themselves. 

Next time you see someone struggling to like their new haircut or upset about how it came out, it might not be an exaggeration.

Altering one’s appearance can be considered a big change and when it is not wanted, it can cause intense disappointment. 

Getting a bad haircut during a time where confidence can alter so quickly can be detrimental to a young girl’s self image.