Senior Reflections

As graduation gets closer VHS seniors look back on their favorite year of high school and the memories that made it so special.

When seniors look back at freshmen year they normally remember the embarrassing outfits they wore, the wrong class that they walked into, or the senior that scared them the most. A lot of seniors now would describe freshman year as the most socially traumatic year of high school. But Bobby Lebline and Teddya Konopka disagree. Freshmen year was Bobby’s favorite year because “it was a new experience and I started playing competitive golf for a team and not just individually.” Bobby was really excited on being on a high school team because it offered him more challenges and he was able to face other competitions that would make him a better golfer throughout the next four years. For Teddya, freshman year was her favorite because it was a total change from middle school, it was a more mature environment, and she made a lot of friends in her grade and in the other grades and that she had the most fun that year.

Sophomore year was Corinne Sullivan and Paige Gibson’s favorite year because of the classes that they had and the friends that they made. “Sophomore year was a lot of fun! It was a lot less stressful then freshman year, I felt more comfortable and knew the things that were and were not acceptable in high school,” says Corinne Sullivan. Paige Gibson feels the same way as Corinne. Paige also mentions that sophomore english with Mrs. Quick was her favorite class.

Even though Junior year comes with a lot of stress, like the SAT’s, college research and AP testing, Justin Drozdrowski found it to be his favorite year of high school, he states,” Junior year was the best, not because of school, but because I finally had the confidence to be myself. I really grew up and realized that there was no use in living behind some false facade, and that through self acceptance I could make the most of who I am and accomplish whatever comes my way. I mean I brought a boy to prom!”

Senior year is an emotional roller coaster, with the college process and the excitement of graduating. But according to Remy Sullivan and Michele D”Aries it is the best year. Remy says that it was her favorite because of all the final memories that she made and how she got a lot closer with a lot of good friends, and she’s happy she’s ending high school with these memories and on a positive note. Being a new girl in freshmen year Michele was forced to make new friends and start over, she has learned a lot about her self and the people she has been friends with and feel’s like she has grown and matured. Now as a senior and looking back at her last four years she says, “At this point you really see everyone for who they are, and you see who your true friends are and of course the privileges of being a senior, like going out to lunch.”

As the class of 2014 graduates they will always remember the memories that they made and the lessons that they have learned thanks to VHS.