A Chance to Escape the Grind and Gain Some Insight

If you are the typical high school student you feel constantly swamped with school, sports, homework, extracurricular activities and your social life.  It’s hard to imagine the having the chance to escape that hectic schedule and take a weekend for yourself.  Especially one during which you will not even bring your cell phone.

The local church in Verona, Our Lady of the Lake (OLL), has a Youth Ministry and a program called “Youth Group.” Youth Group is meant for high school students to get involved with the church and to develop a stronger relationship with God. Teenagers from the OLL parish come every Monday night from 7-9 P.M. from October to May to play games and learn more about their Catholic religion.

Once a year the Youth Ministry gives high school students the opportunity to go on a retreat called Insight, in Lebanon, New Jersey from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, usually the first weekend of March. Insight requires the participants to not bring cell phones, watches, homework, or any electronics. The time spent at Insight is meant for people to get a better insight on their community, themselves and their faith in God and not to be focused on anything going on at home. The absence of school, sports, social media and knowledge of time gives people a sense of relief.

“What happens at Insight stays at Insight” said senior Sam Tusi, “It is a place where personal things are told and trust is gained. But more importantly the events that happen at Insight are meant to be kept a secret so the newcomers have no idea what to expect.” From years past, the participants often come back from this retreat refreshed and in a better state of mind but in order to get the full “Insight experience” it is better to know less.

“Insight was nothing like what I expected, I thought it was going to be all about God and reading the Bible, but it was totally different. I guess the best word to describe it is fun,” said freshman Julianna Chanley.

Insight gives people the chance to make new friendships and to escape the “real world.”

“I think what I‘m going to miss the most about Insight is this amazing opportunity to drop everything and get away to solely focus on myself and making strong bonds. Who knows if I’ll get a weekend like this again,” said senior Kelly Carr.

Anyone interested in taking part in Insight is required to attend at least two Youth Group meetings throughout the year. To join Youth Group, contact the Youth Ministry office at Our Lady of the Lake.