Mandarin Classes Welcome Guest Speaker

VHS’s Mandarin teacher Betty Hou recently welcomed a guest speaker into her classes to give students a taste of the Chinese culture.

Amy Mai is an architect for her own company in New York and speaks fluent Mandarin. She emphasized the practicality of learning foreign languages as she told students how convenient it is to be able to speak the language of the natives while overseas, for business or pleasure.

Ms. Mai also taught students the Chinese art of paper folding, known as origami. Students were exposed to Chinese culture and their communications skills were tested. Students were encouraged to participate in conversation with Ms. Mai so that they could evaluate their own speaking skills.

Ms. Mai met with Mrs. Hou’s freshman, sophomore and junior classes, and stayed after school to meet with VHS’s Mandarin Club.

The insight into Chinese culture inspired students to continue to pursue the language and potentially use it in their careers.